Elementor Sticky Stacked Cards Premium Design

Elementor Sticky Stacked Cards Premium Design

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an Elementor stacked cards kind of design.

Specifically, you will learn how to create this design:

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The idea for the version 1 animation (with the squirrels) comes from this website.

Here is a reversed version:

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  • Your own content: These are simply Container elements, have whatever elements and design you want for them
  • Performant animation: Carefully coded to have the animation be as smooth as possible
  • Lightweight: Vanilla JS (no dependencies), page load performance is preserved
  • Original: Not a design we see too often!
  • Anchor link support: You can now link to each container directly
  • Customizable: Adjust the animation, and the anchor's colors and fonts as you wish
  • Templates provided: Get a quick start by importing the template of your choice on your page

This could be a nice design for featured portfolios items, product features and other.

Let's get started!

First, import the template on your page

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30 Responses

      1. That would be great! I hope you have time soon. Keep us posted!

  1. Really like this template, but I seem to have trouble to figure out how to reverse the scroll when for instance adding anchors to each card and using buttons to go to the corresponding container. It works fine on scroll down but scroll up of course brings problems because the card overlap. Any ideas how I could fix this?

    1. Thank you Jeremie. I have added anchor links support!

      The easiest way to import the update would be to copy paste the template on your page, then delete everything except the HTML element, and delete your old HTML element.


    1. Greetings cocoteam!

      Yes the issue is indeed related to position:sticky; not working.

      You have this CSS on your page, I think you added it under Settings > Site Settings > Global CSS:

      html, body {
          overflow-x: hidden;

      On the pages where you will have position:sticky elements, you can't have body {overflow-x:hidden;} as it is creating a new scrolling context, and breaking position:sticky;

      So on these pages, add this CSS:

      html body {
      overflow: visible;

      Or just delete that CSS altogether, and follow my tutorial here to take care of overflow: https://element.how/remove-elementor-horizontal-scroll-mobile/


    1. Greetings!

      I updated the code in the templates with a new variable

      --fancy-card-wrapper-height-mobile: 92vh;

      Please import the template again, keep only the HTML element and delete your old one, and add the variable under the fancyWrapper custom CSS to control the mobile height of the cards.


      1. Hi Max, I tried to implement the new code and no luck I tried to troubleshoot for over 3 hours 🙁 the height doesnt get affected when you change the values for mobile

  2. Hi Maxime!
    This template is absolutely awesome, works seamlessly.

    But, I've tried to change some values for my design, following your instructiosn, without any success, please look this screenshot: https://cloud.cacomartin.com/6Wf4Yzyv

    1. I don't need anchors, I would like to hide the extra space.
    2. I would like to increase the height of the card (fancyCardWrapper) to match with the browser size.

    Can you guide me please to make this changes?

    Thanks in adavance.

    1. Greetings Caco,

      Make these changes. I'm presuming you want them full screen (100vh), if not just decrease this as you wish.


      --fancy-card-wrapper-height: 92vh;


      --fancy-card-wrapper-height: 100vh;


      --fancy-card-wrapper-sticky-top: 4vh;


      --fancy-card-wrapper-sticky-top: 0vh;


      --fancy-card-wrapper-padding-vertical: 30px;


      --fancy-card-wrapper-padding-vertical: 0px;

      And then, in the parent container, set the padding to 0 under Advanced > Padding, to remove the default 10px padding from Elementor.


      1. Dear Maxime, thank you!

        Now I found my error: When I copied the template, I keep the html code at the bottom, and the selectors from the first template are in fancyWrapper Container.

        I made the changes and it works perfect!


  3. Hi Maxime, trying to follow the tutorial, when I add the template it doesn't then show up on my page... any suggestions? Thank you!

  4. Hi Maxime, how is it going? It's Frank here, remember me? :p
    Long time ago, about 6-7 months ago on Facebook?

    I think I found a bug in your script when it's combined with an off-canvas menu on the page. When I click on the toggle button the offcanvas menu won't open anymore and it only happens on the page where your script runs.
    I'm sure it's related to your script, because when I remove it the offcanvas works just fine.

    When I check the console in the devtools I see an error popping up each time I click on the toggle button.

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': <the URL link to open the offcanvas menu> ' is not a valid selector.
    at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (werkwijze/:1154:44)
    (anonymous) @ werkwijze/:1154

    I shows me the error is in this line

    const targetElement = document.querySelector(targetId);

    That's a line in your script.

    Can you take a look in it please?

    The page is here (the issue is only mobile and tablet)

    When you try the other pages, the offcanvas menu works fine.

    Frank Tielemans

    I sended you a friend request on facebook.

    1. Hi, did you ever find a solution for this error? There is a bug in the code the breaks all pop-ups, lightboxes, off-canvas menus, etc on any page that this code is used on.

      Console shows errors for:

      jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2 jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setSettings')


      jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setSettings')

      When you click a pop-up trigger you get an error saying:
      Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document'

      1. No I did not. I used a plugin to replace the off canvas menu so I can keep using his script.

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