Elementor Close Toggle Menu on Same Page Anchor Links Click

Elementor Close Toggle Menu on Same Page Anchor Links Click

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This tutorial will show you how to close your Elementor toggle menu on anchor link click.

When you have a link like this /#section , clicking it will both scroll to the appropriate section (default behaviour) and close the toggle navigation.

First, add an HTML element close to your Elementor toggle nav menu

Add an HTML in your header template, close to your nav menu.

Elementor Close Toggle Menu on Same Page Anchor Links Click 1

Under advanced, set it to position:absolute so that it doesn't occupy any flow space.

Then, copy paste this "Elementor Close Menu on Click" code

Copy paste it in the  HTML element.

/* Please login to get the code 
 * The code will be for the Elementor Close Toggle Menu on Same Page Anchor Links Click tutorial 
 * Found at this URL https://element.how/elementor-close-toggle-menu-on-same-page-anchor-links/ 

Finally, enjoy your new Elementor close menu on same page links!

And that's it! Everything should be working fine.

You have now improved UX with this Elementor closing menu toggle on same page links, saving a click for your users!

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11 Responses

  1. Thank you for this code! I am looking to close a pop up with a menu inside of it upon clicking an anchor link. Do you have a code for that as well?

  2. Lifesaver code! I searched for it a long time. Your are absolute genius! I searched for Elementor mobile menu close after click one page Website. Thank you!

  3. Hi,

    Works!!! Thank you so much.
    But now the anchor links opens too low on the page (originally under the dropdown menu). Can this be fixed? I would like to have the links open hoghe on the page. I tried it with offset settings but that kind of a mess.

  4. Thank you Maxime! very helpful as always!

    I drop the same code for the new "widget menu" in elementor.

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    document.body.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    if (!event.target.closest('.e-n-menu-toggle') && document.querySelector('.e-n-menu-toggle.e-active') && !(event.target.closest('a') && event.target.closest('a').href.indexOf("#") == -1) && !(event.target.closest('a') && event.target.closest('a').nextElementSibling && event.target.closest('a').nextElementSibling.classList.contains('sub-menu'))) {

      1. The code provided by Ismael works if you have it set to "on click" instead of "on hover".

        Soon I will add a proper code snippet for this, however Elementor are still making many changes to this element... I'm waiting until it's out of beta.


  5. For the new Mega Menu:

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    var menu = document.querySelector('.e-n-menu'); // Selecting the menu element
    var menuToggleButton = document.querySelector('.e-n-menu-toggle'); // Selecting the menu toggle button
    var menuLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.e-n-menu-title-container a'); // Selecting all menu links

    // Close the menu when clicking on a menu item
    menuLinks.forEach(function(link) {
    link.addEventListener('click', function() {
    if (menuToggleButton.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') {
    menuToggleButton.click(); // Simulating a click on the toggle button to close the menu

    // Close the menu when clicking outside of it
    document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    var isClickInsideMenu = menu.contains(event.target); // Checking if the click was inside the menu
    if (!isClickInsideMenu && menuToggleButton.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true') {
    menuToggleButton.click(); // Simulating a click on the toggle button to close the menu

  6. Thank you for this article. It solved the problem!\ Unfortunate that Elementor has not fixed this bug on their own. I see it listed in many old posts.

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