Elementor On Scroll Image Based Storytelling Premium Design

Elementor On Scroll Image Based Storytelling Premium Design

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an Elementor design where we have images that become sticky, one image zooms in to fill the screen, and then the scroll keeps going normally.

It's not easy to explain, so here is the demo (scroll down all the way):


On mobile, the images stack:

A premium user sent me this website and asked if I had a tutorial for this. I didn't, so I created this.


  • Story telling design: Ideal for product features, service presentations, or even educational websites
  • Performant: No dependencies code, makes this as lightweight as could possibly be
  • Customize: Adjust the size of the images and the spacing between them as you need
  • Responsive: Have different images on desktop and mobile, for optimal layout
  • Works with 2, 3 or 4 images: It could work with more images too, however I think it would get annoying to the user beyond 3-4 sections like this

Let's get started!

First, import the template on your page

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6 Responses

  1. Hi, not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I have 3 issues:
    1. There's a lot of whitespace under the last text, and I'm not able to change that (it seems)

    2. In the text, there are automatically 3 columns, but there's only text in the 2 columns on the left. I am unable to delete the 3rd column, and if I try to add text to that 3rd column, it makes a 4th one. The text is now 'cramped' on the left side, while I'd like to use the whole width.

    3. On the mobile version, I have to manually add a one column block for the text, because on mobile it also stays in 3 columns but that's very hard to read...


    1. Greetings!

      The texts sections are provided just as a demo. The tutorial is more about the images.

      I suggest you completely delete the sections with the texts in them, and create them from scratch, according to your own needs and preferred methodology.

      Let me know if that works!


  2. Hi, i am facing 3 issues.

    1. I added the 4th image and it is being cropped due to it is exceeding the container. Is it possible to fit all 4 images into the container?

    2. In tablet mode the images are in 4 columns instead of 4 rows as shown in your demo.

    3. In mobile the images are not center aligned.


  3. Hi,

    Is it possible to add link to the images? It seems fine to add link to the images in desktop version, but the zooming effect has issue if I add link to the images in mobile version.


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