In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create a clean yet great looking Elementor Horizontal Timeline.
We are going to use the Slides element, as well as the new Carousel element.
How it works is that we are binding them with each other, making it possible to have the "years" Slides be set to a slide transition, and the content Carousel to be set to a Fade transition.
Here is the Elementor Horizontal Timeline Slider in action:
- Full Design Flexibility: We are using the Carousel element for the timeline content, which means you are able to use any elements that you might want (In the demo I simply used a Heading and Text Editor elements)
- Make It Your Own: Easily adjust the colors and fonts of everything as you wish
Let's get started!
First, copy paste the template in your page
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4 Responses
Quick Question, its showing up as full width no matter what I change, how do I show the year on the side like the tutorial, do I need to use the other tutorial to show slides per view?
Greetings Marla,
Could you please share your URL with me? I will have a look why it's different on your site than in my demo.
Thanks, I added to an empty site to test, can share access if you need it:
You need to have the Carousel element available... I added a few instructions to the tutorial.
Please import it again then, and if it's still not working exactly as it should, let me know I will have a look.