Lottie from Musa


Webpage Loading Too Slow...?

Page-Speed Expert is here to Help

…Your ranking gets penalized for failing the Core Web Vitals. The Missing Piece of the Puzzle of Every Site Builder and SEO Person

Are you a website developer/designer?

(And your websites are too slow)

Let’s get it straight;

Website design and development have been booming over the last decade or so. Everybody seems to have something to say and wants a blog, and businesses are abandoning physical spaces in favor of online ones.

So, as a web builder, you’ve probably had your fair share of gigs in the past couple of months.

But are you having trouble with your websites lately?

(Checking the sites on Google Insights,... the scores are all RED)

And no, I don’t mean that you suck at your job.

In fact, your sites are probably some of the most visually impressive among your equals. You’ve mastered the art of blending website colors, image styles, image sizes, heading sizes, fonts, and backgrounds into beautiful designs.

Everything’s always going pretty well until you run a speed test or check the sites on Google PageSpeed Insights. And suddenly, you are no longer smiling.

Why does speed matter?

Speed is one of the most crucial aspects of any website. It is crucial for a good user experience.

Thus, Google and other search engines now use load speeds as a factor to rank websites in SERPs. A website may have the prettiest of designs and the most engaging of contents, but when the speed is poor;

Your ranking gets penalized for failing the Core Web Vitals

Whatever traffic comes your way, approximately 40% of visitors will abandon the site due to a poor user experience (ie, being too impatient to just sit and wait).

In turns, this makes for a greater bounce rate, and even lower rankings than what failing the Core Web Vitals by itself would account for.

In this way, the Core Web Vitals update isn’t much of an update. A slow website has always been ranking more poorly than a fast one, simply because of its greater bounce rate.

Many clients know this as it’s pretty much on the front page of Running a Website 101. So, when they pay you to design/develop their website, and it runs slower than a sloth on a hot day, they’ll be disappointed.

Even if your clients don’t know this, it’s our duty as web developers and designers to send them a quality product.

What do you do?

If your speeds are bad, your speed test tool will most probably give you recommendations on what to do.

Sometimes they work, but a lot of times they don’t… or it’s too complex mumbo jumbo to know what to do about them.

So, like any good developer, you do the next best thing and research possible solutions.

You go online and read a couple of articles or watch one or two Youtube tutorials. You proceed to install certain plugins and compress images as recommended. 

Likely, there will be an improvement.

But the website speeds almost never reach where you need them to be. This puts a lot of web developers in a difficult situation.

You don’t know what else to do, but you can’t quite surrender the project to the client as it is because;

  • A shitty thing to do, and
  • It doesn’t look good on your portfolio.

Therefore, many web developers often end up paying experts to optimize the speed of their sites.

These experts tend to charge a lot of money. So, you’re pretty much taking a significant hit on whatever money you’ve made from your project.

The Greatest WordPress / Elementor Optimization Course

Why does this happen?

You’ve probably heard of the idea that you need to be a super-programmer to build fast websites.

It’s a pretty common belief in web development circles all around the world. Thus, website builders without coding skills;

  • Tend to focus more on the aesthetic aspect of their web development.
  • Believe that if you want a fast website, you have to compromise on the visual quality.
  • Think that it’s impossible to optimize the speed of a website on elementor.

Fortunately, all these ideas are wrong.

It’s actually possible to build a beautiful and fast website with little, if any, programming knowledge.

Sounds too good to be true?

Introducing Shay Toder

I (Maxime, owner of Element.How) had the intention of making my own optimization course. However, I am so busy with all kinds of different projects, I just never got to make it. Then I came to know of Shay Toder and his amazing course.

Who is Shay Toder and why does he deserve your attention? He has been a SQL Database Administrator for the past 15 years, and he enjoys making any processes run faster. He is particularly passionate about improving the performance of websites.

But what makes him the best instructor you can possibly have, is that he is really good at what he teaches. In June 2019, he won first place in Cloudways international WordPress Performance Contest. In 2020, he won third place. He launched his course a year later, and everything else is history.

The Greatest WordPress / Elementor Optimization Course

From here, I will let
Shay Toder make the pitch

As Maxime was saying, it’s actually possible to build a beautiful and fast website with little, if any, programming knowledge. I can prove it:

  • I know people who have built fast websites without knowing how to program
  • I optimize website speeds every day without programming
  • I have taught hundreds of people from all over the world how to optimize the speeds of WordPress websites made with Elementor.

So, why not let me teach you?

What if I told you that the next time you build a slow website, you’d pretty much be able to rescue the situation. You’ll never again spend half your profits securing the services of an expert. If that doesn’t sound like a good enough proposition, let’s up the stakes. 

What if I told you that you might never build a slow website again. Now that sounds like something every web developer wants; to never build a slow website. It’s pretty much what will take your website-building career to the next level, and that is without learning to code.

Here’s the deal

Some time ago, I realized that while most web builders know how to build and design websites, they don’t understand the essential principles needed for a fast website.

That’s something I want to change. So, why not become a teacher of some sort to the thousands of website designers and builders out there?

With that goal in mind, I have packed all my practical knowledge into Shay Toder’s course. As a result, it is the most comprehensive and focused course there is on optimizing the page speeds of WordPress websites.

And unlike other courses, you won’t be going into this one alone. Instead, you’ll enjoy direct personal assistance from me throughout the entirety of the program.

How the course works?

So far, the course contains 40 lessons, each 2 to 10 minutes long. Each lesson focuses on a specific problem and finding its solution. Generally, the course is divided into three sections:

  • The Diagnosis Phase: Here, you learn how to inspect every website and identify what is slowing it down. You then go over the possible solutions to any issues affecting the website.
  • The Learning Phase: This section takes you through the most common causes of a slow website. You’ll then learn how to resolve them in various aspects, like CSS, JS, Cache, third-party scripts, pixels, videos, images, fonts, icons, plugins, and more.
  • Implementation Phase: Here, you implement whatever you have learned over the past two stages. We’ll take a slow website as our subject and use it to test just how well our solutions work. (Spoiler alert; really well).
The Greatest WordPress / Elementor Optimization Course

When you enroll, you get;

  • Unrestricted access to course contents for an entire year. At the end of the year, you have the option to renew your course membership at 15% worth of the total cost.
  • Membership to an exclusive Facebook group where I answer any question related to website speed optimizations. There are two separate groups; one in English and another in Hebrew.

What do you learn in the course?

There is a lot to learn on the most comprehensive WordPress optimization course on the internet. These include:

  • Using innovative ideas to solve critical problems that website builders face. These include but are not limited to fixing 404 errors, improving TTFB (time To First Bite, faster page switching, avoiding unnecessary redirects, and accelerating external domains.
  • Loading visual elements like images, videos, icons, fonts, and animations to minimize requests and page size. This allows you to maintain the website’s appearance without compromising its speed.
  • How to load scripts without causing fatal damage to the website’s performance and scores. This includes loading 3rd party scripts, local scripts, cha plugins, and more.
  • Finally, you’ll learn how to improve core web vitals that affect the website’s google ranking. These include Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), First Input Delay (FID)/ Total Blocking Time (TBT), and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP).
The Greatest WordPress / Elementor Optimization Course
Watch your load times go down!

Who needs this course?

Here’s the thing, my course is suitable for anyone into website building. Whether you’re;

  • An amateur trying to find their feet in the industry
  • A seasoned professional looking to learn something new, or
  • A business owner seeking some autonomy from website experts…

… this course will help you get the best out of your website. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now.

(Coupon code elementhow pre applied for an exclusive discount!)

Further mastery of WP Rocket & Speed Optimization

Are you interested into learning even more about properly setting up WP Rocket? Into learning the ‘Why’ behind all of this? And about speed optimization in general? Would you like to truly master this area? Definitely checkout Shay Toder’s course.

Shay is a worldwide authority on optimization, and he is the winner of 1st place in 2019, 3rd place in 2020 & 1st place in 2021, in a international WordPress Performance Contest.